Background of this Butterfly

As a young girl I was always pretty determined my life was going to have purpose, that I was going to make a difference in this vast and ever-changing world. In my search to find my calling, I applied to join the Royal Australian Air Force, and following a stiff Year 12 involving endless study and sport, I trained to become a young RAAF Engineer, experiencing a realm of very unique situations and deploying to some very unstable (and quite fascinating) countries in the years that followed.

Fast forward 15 years, and as much as I enjoyed the challenge of this quite exciting (and somewhat unusual) career, I felt the call for something more fulfilling to me personally. Thus initiated my exploration of many different career options including personal training, environmental sustainability, nutrition, psychology etc etc. It was only when my youngest son was diagnosed as anaphylactic to peanuts (presumably the result of the chemicals he had been exposed to) that I found myself drawn back to the basics of a natural life, and I slowly began to appreciate what life was really about - love, subtle contributions, support of one another and ultimately happiness. The last few years have been dedicated to both motherhood and putting my engineering mind to use developing my own range of organic skincare - INDIRA ORGANICS - which I truly hope will not only help people improve their skin heath but help remind people how wonderful mother nature and her offerings are.

This blog is my way of giving back: to share what I have learnt on my wonderful journey thus far, provide guidance to those who may be searching (on nutrition, exercise, spirituality), or simply inspire you to start living a truly balanced and fulfilling life. I hope you enjoy!


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